Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Molecule Journey

Once upon a time there was a little molecule that was very lonely. He didn't know what kind of molecule he was, and he didn't know what the molecules that were around him were. But even though he didn't know those things he still had a fun time playing with the other molecules.

One day he got tired of being with the same molecules. He decided to go out and find other molecules to play with. He decided to go to the river. It was right next to where he lived. There he found lots and lots of water molecules. They were very nice. And he also found fishes with lots of little fish molecules in them. They were all very nice and were glad to meet him. They played for a while, and then he decided to find other molecules to play with. But first a water molecule that he liked best gave him a present. It was a little picture of her on a string for a necklace. Then he said thank you and he went off.

The next place he visited was a seagull. He hopped onto it, and there were the seagull's molecules in its feet and its beak. Those were the first places where he visited the molecules on the seagull. When he went on the beak the molecules were too loud there. So he went to the feet. When he got to the feet the feet molecules were too sharp, and he didn't like getting scratched with them. So he decided to go on the feathers. The feather molecules were very nice and soft, and they let him lie down on them. He got very relaxed and fell asleep. Then before he knew it the seagull had dropped him! But luckily he landed on a duck.

The feather molecules on the duck were very nice and soft too. So he had a nice, soft landing. Then the duck took him back to where he lived, and since he could see it very big, he noticed that he was a tree molecule. He had lived on a tree!

The end.


Anonymous said...


This story is terrific. I like the way the molecule explored what all the other molecules were like, and I liked the way it found out at the end what kind of molecule it was. Are you going to make an illustration for this one?

Grandma Ellen

Swingerdude said...


Sounds like your friend the molecule had some fun experiences but was glad to come home. I hope you'll have the same & I'm glad that our bond will be here when you get back!


Anonymous said...


We love this molecule story. (We love ALL your stories!) We particularly like how curious and open this little molecule is, because these things allow him to travel to many places in the world, making many friends, and finding out about himself as he goes. And, because he had the courage to seek out new friends and new places, he was able to get a whole new perspective on his home! Really beautiful story ...thank you so much for sharing this with us. We look forward to reading more stories.

Love, Kelly, Lila, and Pippa

Anonymous said...


Good story! Very well written. Keep us posted on your travels in Europe; you are definitely one seriously well seasoned traveler. I wish I'd been to all the places you've been and are going when I was your age. See you in September and have a great trip!


Anonymous said...

I love this story Lucia. Sake said she has a molecule living on her and she wants to tell you about it next time you see her.

Anonymous said...

We love your story. The Lucia molecule is going to meet all the molecules on the Eiffel Tower which are probably hard and tall. Maybe you'll meet softer molecules at the cafes on the Left Bank. Maybe the croissant molecules will be buttery.

We hope you have lots of fun but we'll be glad when the Lucia molecules get back to Mount Tremper.

We love you.

Grandma Judy & Ken

Anonymous said...

Hello sweet Lucia,

I love this story. I especially like how the molecule had to go off to learn about other molecules in order to understand what kind of molecule he was. So I think that when you go to Paris you will learn a lot about French molecules so when you get back you'll know a little more about what it means to be Lucia.

Uncle Brent

shirley said...

Teo says...I sort of liked all of it. I like when he lied down on the seagull.

Aki says....it's a nice story. By the way, what is a molecule? I liked when he lands on feathers.

Shirley says...this is the first story I have ever read about a molecule. I liked that the molecule was very calm and unafraid in its travels.

We hope that you will continue to write and post stories from Paris.


Teo, Aki and Shirley

Anonymous said...

Dear Lucia,

I never before thought about how different molecules would feel when you touch them one at a time. Thanks for opening up my mind to this area of life. I think I'll go look at some nice flat book molecules now.

Anna is helping me read your stories, but she isn't sure what to comment on yet.

Keep on writing!


Anonymous said...


Lucia said...

Hunter who?

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